What you did was simple.
There is nothing technically impressive about this song. I can think of a million elements that could have been added to flesh it out more. It's short. It's repetitive, And the sample does most of the work for you...
I'm writing this review after having this on loop for about 40 minutes. As I listen, I feel lots of emotions come over me, and in those emotions is a truth i only realize once in every great while. What that truth is, I cant explain. I can only express my belief that good music and the pleasure of sound is a universal gift that few people really appreciate. There is nothing about this song i can describe that makes it good. Only the joy i feel when listening to it and knowing that the philosophies that started the Hip Hop art-form hold true to this day and forever will. No matter what elements make it up, No matter what form it takes. That is Hip Hop. That is music.