I love this
Smooooth as butter. This has some serious style. True old school and a real breath of fresh air. Faved and saved.
I love this
Smooooth as butter. This has some serious style. True old school and a real breath of fresh air. Faved and saved.
Thanks alot man check out my other stuff aswell!
Id say this is a clunker as well
You've become the funk master. The part around :56 is just great. Its got a beefy noise to it overall and is almost grimey. That breakdown is too sick. Always nice to hear a new beat mr haired.
Thanks dude.
Glad you liked it ;)
Now thats a flow.
Fast and furious dude. Fast and furious.
this is the best review.
your sickk
Why do I get a Quasimoto vibe form this.
There aint nothing wrong with that. Its dope. Imma sing along now.
Damn right you're going to sing a long.
I feel the asian influence.
asian vibe is always a winner. The drum change ups are all good. The song keeps throwing new elements at you but it defenatly has an identity. The intro is a bit long but thats really just a perosnal thing. Build up is important.
Dont take this the wrong way. Somehting about hip hop in general that ive never been a fan of is scratching. And while the scratching in this song is well done to me personally ive just never understood why people like it. Anyways, Great song
To me scratching is one of the only ways of bringing a 'human' element to electronic music. When everything is so structured and precise on a drum machine or sequencer - the sound starts to just get cold or sterile. I like to add something that's rough around the edges to to remind the listener that I'm doing something real-time with my own hands (I still play guitar regularly and to me music is just as much a 'feel' thing as it is a 'sound' thing). Coming from experience of playing instruments live, it's not gonna sound the same every time you play the song, and I like that aspect.
Just my personal take, and I completely respect your dislike of scratching.
Let's stay together.
Al green is great. This is his song backwards @_@.
lol i didnt think anyone would answer so soon! lol yes, al green lets stay together lol i'll add new quiz songs on. i think itz pretty cool
Far too amazing for normal ears.
Gotta say. SOme of the best work on the site. some of the sickest vibes from a song on NG. The productions is out of the world. I really cant see a single thing i would change. Genius.
thank you DJDureagon, means alot
I kinda dig it.
I really liek the feel its got. But it seems like you just put a beat over a song. Also your drums could use some work. They sounds out of whack and the levels and tones are all over the place. But its actually solid IMO. With proper mastering and a bit more technique it could be quite good.
I'll keep that in mind.
Those drums....
Those drums are just reDICULOUS! This is so old school i think im getting younger just listening to it. Its one of your dopest tracks for sure. Effects are great. The beat can stand alone on so many levels but its got just enough dynamics to keep it interesting throughout. Excellent work!
Thanks man i had a lot of fun makin this one
"No story at 40"
The Sphere
Joined on 4/16/10